The Bear and Other Comic Tales

By Anton Chekhov


Director Justin Butcher | Performers Justin Butcher, Stephen Guy Daltry & Rupert Mason | Sound design by Sebastian Frost | J.Productions – Milan


Chekhov’s piquant blend of laughter & absurdity


Anton Chekhov was first known as a writer of short comedies on themes of love, marriage and domestic absurdity. The Bear, Swansong and The Evils of Tobacco, are three of his finest, funniest vaudevilles. This stylish, uproarious new production premiered in Milan in January 2024 to great acclaim.



20th – 30th NOVEMBER 2024

20th – 29th at 7pm

MATINEES: Saturday 23rd & 30th at 3pm | Sunday 24th at 4pm



The Playground Theatre Box Office:

020 8960 01108

and website:

Box office opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday from 5pm to 10pm

Saturday from 12pm to 10pm


Voila Theatre Festival website:


N.B., Voila Theatre Festival ends 24th November

For performances from 26th November

onwards tickets only available at

The Playground Theatre box office and website