‘To stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination for play, and the childlike desire for recognition.’ Albert Einstein


The Mirror to Nature is an inspiring weekend theatre workshop led by award-winning UK playwright, theatre director and actor Justin Butcher in the elegant, creative environment of the Brera Hub gallery, in the heart of Milan’s design district.


Over three sessions, Saturday-Sunday, Justin will guide participants through a workout for mind, body, voice and imagination, with simple classes on limbering up the voice, body, breathing, posture and gesture, an introduction to Alexander technique, tuition in performance technique and the power of role-play. Participants will come away stimulated, entertained and equipped with simple and effective techniques and tools to feel more authentic in their interactions with others, boost their confidence and maximise their impact in presentation, public speaking and performance.


Session 1:    9.00-13.00 Saturday 18 September 2021

Session 2:    14.30-18.30 Saturday 18 September 2021

Session 3:    9.00-13.00 Sunday 19 September 2021


Where: Brera Hub, Via dell’Annunciata, 21 – 20121 MILANO, Italy


COST: €150 plus VAT per person (max. 8 participants)


If you wish to participate in this Weekend Workshop please contact us at Info@Jproductions.it


Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Albert Einstein


Sapiens rule the world through the mysterious glue that enables millions of humans to cooperate effectively. This mysterious glue is made of stories, not genes. All other animals use their communication systems to describe reality. We use our communication systems to create new realities.’ Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens