Speaking Dante – In Aid Of Refugees And Migrants
Streaming of the live performance of The Divine Comedy featuring Helen Mirren (Inferno Canto 5), Ralph Fiennes (Inferno Canto 34), John Nettles (Inferno Canto 26) and many other well known British actors is available on demand via Stream Theatre until 28th February 2022.
To mark the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death on 13th & 14th September 2021, J.Productions, Milan, and Passion Pit Theatre (UK) in association with The Florentine magazine and The British Institute of Florence and The Pergola Theatre presented a once-in-a-lifetime live reading over 24 hours of the whole of Dante’s Divine Comedy, using the English translation by Robert & Jean Hollander at Cinema La Compagnia in Florence.
Illustrations included as a backdrop to the performance include works by artists William Blake, Gustave Doré, digitalised by Felice Limosani, and Gabriele Dell’Otto. With evocative video design by Damian Hale, soundscape by Sebastian Frost, the live performance was directed by Justin Butcher and produced by Justin Butcher & Julia Holden for J.Productions, Milan.
This project is to supporting the work of the Community of Sant’Egidio for migrants and refugees.
DIVINE COMEDY https://www.stream.theatre/season/219
INFERNO https://www.stream.theatre/season/220
PURGATORIO https://www.stream.theatre/season/221