One Was Nude & One Wore Tails
By Dario Fo
Director Justin Butcher | Performers Justin Butcher, Stephen Guy Daltry &
Rupert Mason | Sound design by Sebastian Frost | J.Productions – Milan
Zany satire of milanese nocturnal slapstick
In this brand-new English-language production, award-winning UK playwright & director Justin Butcher brings Italian theatre legend Dario Fo’s zany comedy of dustbin men, naked ambassadors and nocturnal slapstick from Milan
to London, undressing the social hierarchy.
20th – 30th NOVEMBER 2024
20th – 29th at 8.20pm
MATINEES: Saturday 23rd & 30th at 4.20pm | Sunday 24th at 5.20pm
The Playground Theatre Box Office:
020 8960 01108
and website:
Box office opening hours:
Tuesday to Friday from 5pm to 10pm Saturday from 12pm to 10pm
Voila Theatre Festival website:
N.B., Voila Theatre Festival ends 24th November
For performances from 26th November onwards tickets only available at
The Playground Theatre box office and website