Wednesday 24th February 2021 at 7pm (UK time), 8pm (Italy)
by Lucy Prebble
‘Lucy Prebble’s hugely ambitious play, covering the rise and fall of the Texan energy company, Enron, is an exhilarating mix of political satire, modern morality and multimedia spectacle …
Prebble’s overwhelming point is that nothing has been learned: that, even as Enron employees were losing everything, others were pocketing fat bonuses, as they might today … Prebble and [director, Rupert] Goold, aided by Anthony Ward’s breathtaking designs, show that Enron was a vast fantasy in which everyone was complicit: not least the lawyers, analysts and investors who believed in this self-created bubble and kept it afloat … Even if Enron isn’t the last word on the free market debacle, it is a fantastic theatrical event.’ (Michael Billington, The Guardian)
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