Saturday and Sunday 15th – 16th October 2022

J- Productions – Milan
a Weekend with Aphra Behn
With a focus on her play The Rover
Together with UK Theatre Practitioner and Actress,
Illona Linthwaite

‘All women together ought to let flowers
fall upon the tomb of Aphra Behn;
for it was she who earned them the right
to speak their minds’.
– Virginia Woolf –

Experienced actress, director and theatre educator, Illona Linthwaite, will be coming to Milan to share with us her knowldge of Aphra Behn;
the brilliant Restoration playwright, novelist, poet, translator and spy (1640 – 1689). We will read and explore Behn’s most successful play The Rover, her prose works and her erotic verse.

The Rover is set in Naples, Italy, in the 1650s at carnival time.
It’s main characters include a group of English cavaliers and local Italian society in all its colour and variety.
It explores issues of love and fidelty, trickery and deception, forced marriage and prostitution, male power and what it means to be an outsider – all issues which remain pertinent in society today. It is often extremely amusing and always witty.

It is a fast-paced play – not only highly entertaining but a fascinating read.
Aphra Behn was a witty, clever and surprisingly outspoken commentator for her time – especially on matters relating to woman’s power and sexual freedom.

Illona, who is known for her many stage, film and television performances, has always had a special interest in Aphra Behn.
This led to her writing and performing her own solo show The Spirit of Aphra Behn which she has toured in England, Scotland and France.

We are excited to welcome Illona to Milan in mid October!

If you would like to join this workshop please contact or by phone on 340 2939869